High-Density-Polyethylene, HDPE (hard PE)

High-Density-Polyethylene, HDPE (hard PE)Description:

Half crystalline, whitish, half transparent functional thermoplastic with properties similar to those of low-density-PE (LDPE, soft PE). In contrast to LDPE, HDPE is significatnly more durable and more rigid, and it also features an even better resistance to chemical compounds. Its resistance to shock is quite high. This quality also remains at low temperatures but then does not equal LDPE. HDPE features moderate but better barrier qualities than LDPE.


  • a variety of containers
  • blown bottles for foods
  • tubes and junctions
  • packaging plastic films


High-Density-Polyethylene, HDPE (hard PE)


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Dr. Andreas Konrad
Dr. Andreas Konrad

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