Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)Description:

The LDPE polymer is largely branched, which forces the molecules to be packed rather loosely. The result is a plastic material with a low density. This makes LDPE soft and pliable. At the same time it is durable, weatherproof, tough at low temperatures, easy to process, cheap, and it features excellent chemical resistance. LDPE melts at a lower temperature than HDPE.


  • food containers
  • squeeze bottles (e.g. for detergents)
  • cling film
  • bread bags
  • freezer bags
  • rubbish bags
  • cheap kitchenware


Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)


Do you need help or information?
Dr. Andreas Konrad
Dr. Andreas Konrad

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