ISO 8841
Title: Dense, shaped refractory products — Determination of permeability to gases Category: Building Materials and
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Title: Dense, shaped refractory products — Determination of permeability to gases Category: Building Materials and
Title: Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor
Description: Synthetically manufactured, fluid or solid material with all the characteristics of resins defined in
Title: Paints and varnishes – Coating materials and coating systems for exterior masonry and concrete
Title: Standard Test Method for Measuring Repellency, Retention, and Penetration of Liquid Pesticide Formulation through
Description: Plastic that is produced by peroxide-catalysed polymerisation of acrylic acid in aqueous solution or
Description: SBR features poor elasticity properties. When dynamically loaded, SBR undergoes a broad inner heating.
Title: Standard Test Method for Oxygen Gas Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using
Title: Ostomy collection bags – Part 3: Determination of odour transmission of colostomy and ileostomy
Title: Protective clothing – Test methods for clothing providing protection against chemicals – Part 4:
Description: In principle, LCPs are composites consisting of an organig matrix in which fibers
Description: The most important properties of this thermoplastic gained of cyclohexylendimethylenediole, ethyleneglycole and therephthalic acid
Description: Thermoplastic fluorocopolymer consisting of vinylfluoride and tetrafluoroethylene. Formula: Category:Thermoplastic
Title: Footwear protecting against chemicals – Part 2: Requirements for footwear resistant to chemicals under
Description: Polymer blend of actually immiscible polymers, whereby miscibility was reached during the blending process.
Description: Testing fuel for determining permeation and resistance properties in general. Composition: 84,5 Vol.% FAM
Title: Standard Specification for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings Category: Thermoset Please
Title: Testing of taste transfer from packages and packaging materials through the head space using
Title: Standard Practice for Use of Test Methods E 96 for Determining the Water Vapor
Title: Standard Practice for Evaluation of Hydrogen Uptake, Permeation, and Transport in Metals by an
Description: The most useful properties of the fluoroploymeres are due to the fluorineatoms, which can
Description: Produced by radical polymerisation of acrylic amide in aqueous solution, poly-acrylic-acid-amide can be obtained
Title: Windows and door height windows; Air permeability test Category: Building Materials and Products Related
Descpription: Energy needed by a system to initiate a particular process, such as diffusion or
Title: Non-destructive testing – Leak test – Calibration of gaseous reference leaks; German version EN
Description: Perfluorinated elastomers (FFKM’s) are elastic sealing-materials with a natural rest capacitiy, as well as
Description: Half crystalline, whitish, half transparent functional thermoplastic with properties similar to those of low-density-PE
Description: A widespread family of rubber-like materials that – in contrast to common vulcanised rubbers
Description: TFE/PDD is a thermoplastic, amorphous fluorocopolymer, which is also known under the name TEFLON®AF
Description: Produced by adding the acetyl radical of the acetic acid to cellulose (available
Description: Plastic which can be transformed into a hard, vitually unmeltable and insoluble product by
Description: PTFE (also called “Teflon”) is a non-inflammable plastic that is completely insoluble and inswellable
Description: HDPE shows no or little branchings, so that the molecules are densely packed. In
Title: Standard Practice for Chemical Permeation through Protective Clothing Materials: Testing Data Analysis by Use
Description: The American guideline ASTM D1418 (American Society for Testing and Materials) categorizes the fluoroelastomers
Description: Amourphos, transparent and colorless high-perfomance thermoplastic which is both hard and rigid but also
Title:Standard Guide for Selection of Chemicals to Evaluate Protective Clothing Materials Category: Protective Clothing Please
Description: PPS is a highly crystalline, linear structured thermoplastic composed of alternating sulfur atoms and
Description: Also called “phenol resins”; phenol plastics have been the first fully synthetically produced plastics.
Description: Acrylic-modified, transparent and highly weather-resistant rubber thermoplastic with good chemical stability, resilience and stiffness;
Description: TFE/PVS is modified PTFE and was produced first-time by DuPont. It is a thermoplastic
Descpription: Amorphous, transparent, light-amber-colored high-performance thermoplastic. PESU features a little resistance to pressure and has
Title:Testing of plastics – Determination of gas transmissionsrate – Part 1: Volumetrical method for testing
Description: Thermoplastic fluorocopolymer constisting of vinylidenefluoride and trifluoroethylene Formula: Category:Thermoplastic
Title: Non-destructive testing – Terminology – Part 8: Terms used in leak tightness testing; Trilingual
Title:Standard Test Method for Resistance of Chemical Protective Clothing Materials to Liquid Permeation – Permeation
Title: Gas analysis – Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods – Part
Title: Non-destructive testing – Leak testing – Bubble emission techniques; German version EN 1593:1999 Please
Description: Ultra- and very low density polyethylene are linear structured polyethylenes with a density lower
Description: Butyl-rubber only features moderate mechanical qualities and has a high inner absorbability. In contrast
Description: Foaming agent is n-pentane. For other details on polysterene see the respective link (polystyrene,
Description: PFA is a semi-crystalline, perfluorinated copolymer, which consists of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) and perfluoropropylvinylether. Due
Description: An appropriate way of drying gases is to dry them dynamically. Gases with a
Title: Textiles; physiological effects; measurement of thermal and water-vapour resistance under steady-state conditions (sweating guarded-hotplate
Description: Thermoplastic of milky white color that feels like wax. Because of its special properties,
Description: PCTFE is made from chlorotrifluoroethylene by suspension-polymerization or by emulsion-polymerization with a redox-indicator or
Description: POM is produced in both variants the homopolymer as well as the copolymer. Both
Description: PPZ is an example of a new class of polymeric materials involving inorganic chains.
Title: Standard Test Method for Resistance of Materials Used in Protective Clothing to Penetration by
Description: Also called “MIL-C-7024D”. Testing fuel for determining permeation and resistance properties in general. Composition:
Descpription: COC are polymers composed of ethylene and norbornene-groups. The norbornene is randomly spread throughout
Title: Non-destructive testing – Leak test – Pressure change method; German version EN 13184:2001 Please
Leak location, leak testing and permeation measurement on fuel systems with hydrogen trace gas More
The article language is german. Please contact for information in Englisch. Permeation of methane through
Description: PBI does not melt and is non-inflammable; it retains its fabric integrity and
Title: Standard Test Method for Nondestructive Detection of Leaks in Packages by Vacuum Decay Method
Description: Fluorocarbon elastomers are highly fluorinated, carbon based polymers, which resist to chemical attacks and
Description: Amorphous thermoplastic based on therephtalic acid, phthalic acid and bisphenole A groups implemented in
Title: Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials Category: Water Vapor Permeability Related
Description: Permeation measuring means the process of determining the permeation rate of a certain substance.
Title: Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes Category: Adhesives & Sealants
Title: Standard Guide for Intercomparing Permeation Tubes to Establish Traceability Category: Preparation of Calibration Gas
Usage: This halobutyl rubber is used for articles needing low permeability to gases and liquids,
Beschreibung: PUR is produced by polyaddition out of a homogene mixture of polyols and diisocyanate.
Title: Determination of protective material resistance to permeation by chemicals – Part 2: permeation by
Title: Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Vapor Transmission of Volatile Liquids Category:Elastomer Please
Description: Barrier Packaging is a packaging with very low permeability for possibly interfering materials (e.g.
Title: Textiles – Measurement of water vapour permeability of textiles for the purpose of quality
Title: Plastics – Film and sheeting – Determination of gas transmission rate – Part 2:
Description: ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials Standard development organisation, providing international standards
Description: PS consists of polymerised styrene monomers with or without functional groups. It is strong,
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